Health Guarantee

Your puppy is guaranteed to be in good health at the time you take him home. He has been dewormed at 2 weeks of age and every 2 weeks thereafter. He has been examined by a licensed veterinarian and was to be found in good health.

Your veterinarian should check your puppy within 2 weeks from the date of purchase. If your veterinarian feels that the puppy is not healthy, and has a life threatening illness, have him write a letter describing the problem. We will have the condition confirmed by my veterinarian. If the condition is validated, you may return the puppy for a full refund, or I will provide a replacement puppy.

If your puppy dies within the first year from a congenital defect, he/she will be replaced at no charge. An autopsy must be performed to determine the cause of death, and a letter from your veterinarian must state that the cause of death was congenital. If you breed your puppy during the first year, this guarantee is no longer valid.

As a responsible breeder, we try my best to prevent your puppy from having problems. Some times things go wrong, and there may be unexpected veterinarian bills. As a pet owner, you must understand that you are responsible for any veterinarian bills incurred after your puppy leaves my home.

If, within 30 days of purchase, a licensed veterinarian determines that your dog has a congenital or hereditary defect which adversely affects the animal’s health or that your dog died from a congenital or hereditary defect, you have the same options as outlined in the above section.

Within two business days of a veterinarian’s certification of your dog’s illness, defect, or death, you must notify the seller of the name, address, and telephone number of the examining veterinarian. Failure to notify the seller within two business days will result in forfeiture of rights of the puppy health guarantee.

To preserve your rights of the dog health guarantee, you must take your newly purchased dog to a licensed veterinarian for examination within 10 days of purchase.